.SWISS: Information sessions for registrars and sector professionals

The new .swiss internet domain will be launched in autumn 2015 and sector professionals must prepare for this event. The Federal Office of Communications OFCOM, which will allocate .swiss domain names, is therefore inviting registrars and experts to an information session:

In German: 1 July 2015 in Zurich, from 2 pm to 5 pm at Brasserie Lipp, Uraniastrasse 9
In French: 3 July 2015 in Geneva, from 2 pm to 5 pm at Hotel Novotel Genève Centre, Rue de Zurich 19.

Participants will receive all important and useful information, in particular concerning the launch of the domain, the requirements, the criteria and the allocation process. This event is intended exclusively for professionals (registrars, resellers and trademark agents in particular) and not for individuals wishing to apply for a .swiss domain name.

The information sessions will be held in German in Zurich and in French in Geneva. However, you will be able to ask questions in English and all documents will also be available in English.

Please register by sending an e-mail to domainnames@bakom.admin.ch by 26 June 2015. A summary will be published mid-July at www.dot.swiss: FAQ.

Programme of the information session:

Part 1: Presentation of .swiss (Why .swiss?; The particular conditions of .swiss; The allocation process; Fees; Launch of .swiss)

Part 2: Information on sales channels (Differences between registrars and resellers; Requirements for becoming a registrar; Obligations for registrars; Available marketing components ;Useful documents and contact persons)

Information for registrars and resellers: FAQ
Link to a specimen Registry-Registrar Agreement


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* Pflichtfelder